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Cover art for volume 1 of the Detergent manga

Detergent is an anime and manga series. The earliest instalments of the manga were first written in 2001, while the first episodes of the anime were licensed by Muchi Service in 2008. The anime spans more than 400 episodes so far; many of the later ones are fillers, much to the annoyance of fans. Three seasons are also entirely filler.

Detergent follows the adventures of Razuberi Pai (ラズベリーパイ), a teenage schoolboy who has a part time job at a the fictional Soapy Ko laundrette in No Gaijins Allowed. After obtaining special powers of a sud warrior from another sud warrior called Nico, he joins the Sud Society and his new powers force him to take the duty of defending laundry from the hands of Grubbies, evil spirits that ruin laundry with brown slime. Many more of his classmates also gain sud warrior powers and accompany Razuberi, including Oppaihime ("Breasts Princess"), a large-breasted girl who has a crush on him.

The most well known volumes of the manga are The Death and the Laundry, Kingdom of Grubbies, The Non-Bio Warfare, The Last 9 Minutes and Sorry I Am Clean. In July 2016 the feature film Detergent: The Washing Powder Rebellion was released to cinemas across Pedia; it had a Homian release in September 2016 and a Sohcahtoan and Sinco release in October 2016. A live action movie adaptation of the series is also in production and expected for release in 2018.

Daniel May likes the series and owns every volume of the manga. He once had a crush on Oppaihime though he never claimed her as his waifu. Detergent is also extremely popular with girls around Volcanus due to the exceptional attractiveness of many male sud warriors, though Razuberi Pai has relatively few fangirls.
