The Bully Wiki
David Whitelock
Vital statistics
Position Teacher
Age 23
Status Living
Nationality Pedian
Residence Colham
Personality Jovial, immature
Voice actor Unknown
Theme tune Unknown
Physical attributes
Height 180 cm
Weight 74 kg

David Whitelock is a teacher at Colham High School and the form tutor of 5P. In spite of his role, he is immature and slightly flippant, although he is popular with his students, who admire his humorous attitude. He can get slightly annoyed if people do not work hard enough.

David additionally has a severe chlorine allergy, which causes his skin to swell up comically whenever he comes into contact with the substance, much to his students' amusement. He finds it amusing himself.

David has a crush on Rebecca Washbrook, which she is unaware of. He also gets on well with George Peterson.
