The Bully Wiki

Harry Smith Becomes a DJ is an episode of The Bully TV series that was first aired in May 2015.

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This article contains plot details about an episode.


The episode starts off with Harry Smith sitting on his bed, looking at his Eyephone. On Headbook, Patrick McCrae has posted a message stating that he will be offering free DJ lessons. Harry decides to go to the first lesson, so he asks Grace Smith if he can go to Patrick's house. She asks why, so Harry lies to her that he wants to go and see him about a dog. She allows him to, so he runs out of the house and gets to Patrick's.

Harry knocks on the door. Patrick quickly answers and asks him if he is here to become a DJ. Harry says yes, so him and Patrick go into his mixing room. He shows Harry his turntables, which he describes as "sweet". Patrick then logs onto his laptop and shows Harry what to do. He gets the hang of it. When Harry goes onto Gargle to download some Murderers MP3s, Patrick quickly informs him that MP3 is lossy and that he should download the FLAC instead. Harry downloads the FLACs, confused as to why it really matters. Patrick then leaves him to it and goes to the toilet for a rather long dump.

Ten minutes later, Harry lets Patrick hear what he has made. He calls it impressive, whilst doing a weird dance to his mashup. He is so impressed that he asks Harry if he wants to come with him to a DJ festival in Dundundun to play his tune. Harry excitedly accepts the invitation, and gets in Patrick's Toyoats car.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrive at Dundundun DJ Land. The two of them walk into the building. Patrick goes on stage to play a mashup of Chinese folk music and dubstep. When it is finished, Patrick announces that a surprise DJ is coming to perform. When he announces Harry, the whole audience go "BOOOOOOOOOO!" in unison. Harry then runs out, crying. Patrick's Beats by Dr Devil headphones fall off Harry's head and break.



  • In the final scene, Abby Bilson can be seen at the very front of the audience, booing with the rest of the audience including her new boyfriend Hector Junior.